Use Case:
Create a batch class which would:
- Create a Task to review opportunity for all the opportunities irrespective of their StageName.
- Tasks should be assigned to the related Opportunity Owner and if the any of the Owner/User is inactive then assign the task to any user with profile System Administrator.
global class BatchTasksCreation implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {// Get all the opportunities in Database.QueryLocatorglobal Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {String query = 'SELECT Id, OwnerId, Owner.IsActive FROM Opportunity';return Database.getQueryLocator(query);}// Execute the logic for opportunities quried in start method in batchesglobal void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Opportunity> scope) {List<Task> listOfNewTasks = new List<Task>();User adminUser = [Select Id From User Where Profile.Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];for(Opportunity opp : scope) {String owner;// If the owner is active then set the opportunity owner Id in the "owner" variable else set Admin Idif(opp.Owner.IsActive) {listOfNewTasks.add(new Task(WhatId = opp.Id,OwnerId = opp.OwnerId,Subject = 'Please review the related opportunity.'));}else {listOfNewTasks.add(new Task(WhatId = opp.Id,OwnerId = adminUser.Id,Subject = 'Please review the related opportunity.'));}}insert listOfNewTasks;}global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {}}
Test Class:
Verify that when batch class is run,
Scenario 1: Task should be created for each Opportunity and is assigned to the Opportunity Owner.
Scenario 2: When any of the Owner is inactive for any Opportunity, Task created for that Opportunity should be assigned to any User having profile System Administrator.
// Insert 2 opportinities with different owners// 1 with admin and the other one with new user@isTestprivate class BatchTasksCreationTest {@testSetupstatic void dataSetup() {// Create opportunitiesOpportunity op1 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Admin Opp',StageName = 'Prospecting',CloseDate =;insert op1;Profile stanProfile = [Select Id From Profile Where Name = 'Standard User'];User usr = new User(LastName = 'User12ka4',FirstName = 'Test',Alias = 'tusr',Email = '',Username = '',ProfileId =,TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT',LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',LocaleSidKey = 'en_US');System.runAs(usr) {Opportunity op2 = new Opportunity(Name = 'Standard Opp',StageName = 'Prospecting',CloseDate =;insert op2;}}// Execute the batch class for tasks creation and verify that two tasks should be created// 1st for admin opp with admin user// 2nd for standard opp with standard user@isTeststatic void testMethod1() {Opportunity adminOpp = [Select Id, OwnerId, Owner.Name From Opportunity Where Name = 'Admin Opp'];Opportunity standOpp = [Select Id, OwnerId, Owner.Name From Opportunity Where Name = 'Standard Opp'];Test.startTest();BatchTasksCreation bc = new BatchTasksCreation();Database.executeBatch(bc, 10);Test.stopTest();// Assert that two tasks should be created 1 for each opportunityList<Task> tasks = [Select Id, OwnerId, WhatId From Task];System.assertEquals(2, tasks.size(), '2 Tasks should be created.');System.assertEquals(1, [Select Id From Task Where WhatId = :adminOpp.Id AND OwnerId = :adminOpp.OwnerId].size(), 'Task is not created for related Opportunity.');System.assertEquals(1, [Select Id From Task Where WhatId = :standOpp.Id AND OwnerId = :standOpp.OwnerId].size(), 'Task is not created for related Opportunity.');}// Deactivate the user and then run the Batch class,// assert that 2 tasks should be created, 1st for admin opp and 2nd for standard opp// and owner of both the tasks should be same as admin opp@isTeststatic void testMethod2() {Opportunity adminOpp = [Select Id, OwnerId From Opportunity Where Name = 'Admin Opp'];Opportunity standOpp = [Select Id, OwnerId From Opportunity Where Name = 'Standard Opp'];User standUser = [Select Id, Name, IsActive From User Where Username = ''];standUser.IsActive = false;update standUser;Test.startTest();BatchTasksCreation bc = new BatchTasksCreation();Database.executeBatch(bc, 10);Test.stopTest();List<Task> tasks = [Select Id, OwnerId, WhatId From Task];System.assertEquals(2, tasks.size(), '2 Tasks should be created.');System.assertEquals(1, [Select Id From Task Where WhatId = :adminOpp.Id AND OwnerId = :adminOpp.OwnerId].size(), 'Task is not created for related Opportunity.');System.assertEquals(1, [Select Id From Task Where WhatId = :standOpp.Id AND OwnerId = :adminOpp.OwnerId].size(), 'Task is not created for related Opportunity.');}}
Code Coverage: 100%