Use Case:

Mixed DML Error example –

Pre-requisite: Create a Public Group with API name ‘All_Users’. Create a Chatter Group (CollaborationGroup) with name ‘Users‘.

Whenever a new user is inserted,

  1. Add the user as a member in the above public group.
  2. Add the User to the above Chatter Group and post about the new user (something like ‘Congratulations UserName’) in the group.

Hint: Here, we would be creating 1 setup object record (public group member of the public group All_Users) and 1 non-setup object record (Feed Item for Chatter Group Users), so use of future method is recommended.

trigger UserTrigger on User (after insert) {
if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert) {
UserTriggerHandler users = new UserTriggerHandler();
// Add the user/users to the public group 'All Users'
// Post about joining of the new user/users in the Chatter Group 'Users'

// Since data for Users Chatter Group would not be visible in the test class and to avoid using seeAllData being true
// we would create a new Chatter group and pass the set the new value to 'UserTriggerHandler.chatterGroupName' variable
public class UserTriggerHandler {
@testVisible static String chatterGroupName = 'Users';
public void assignToPublicGroup(List<User> newUsers) {
// Get the Id of the Public Group
Group allUsersGroup = [Select Id From Group Where DeveloperName = 'All_Users'];
List<GroupMember> groupMembers = new List<GroupMember>();
for(User newUser : newUsers) {
groupMembers.add(new GroupMember(GroupId = allUsersGroup.Id,
UserOrGroupId = newUser.Id));
insert groupMembers;
public static void postToChatterGroup(Set<Id> newUsersId) {
// Get list of new users inserted
List<User> newUsers = [Select Id, Name From User Where Id IN :newUsersId];
// Get the Id of the Chatter Group
CollaborationGroup usersChatterGroup = [Select Id From CollaborationGroup Where Name = :chatterGroupName LIMIT 1];
List<CollaborationGroupMember> chatterMembers = new List<CollaborationGroupMember>();
List<FeedItem> posts = new List<FeedItem>();
for(User newUser : newUsers) {
chatterMembers.add(new CollaborationGroupMember(CollaborationGroupId = usersChatterGroup.Id,
MemberId = newUser.Id));
posts.add(new FeedItem(Title = 'Welcome ' + newUser.Name,
Body = 'Congratulations to ' + newUser.Name + ' for joining us.',
ParentId = usersChatterGroup.Id));
insert chatterMembers;
insert posts;

Test Class:

Scenario 1- Verify that when a new user is inserted, it should be added to the public group

Scenario 2- Verify that when a new user is inserted, it should be added to the chatter group and a feed should be created

public class TestUserUtil {
public static User createUser(String fName, String lName, String alias, Profile profile) {
User usr = new User(LastName = lName,
FirstName = fName,
Alias = alias,
Email = fName + '.' + lName + '',
Username = '',
ProfileId =,
TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT',
LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
LocaleSidKey = 'en_US'
return usr;

private class UserTriggerTest {
static void dataSetup() {
CollaborationGroup usersChatterGroup = new CollaborationGroup(Name = 'UsersGroup',
CollaborationType = 'Public',
OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId());
insert usersChatterGroup;
// Verify that when a new user is inserted, it should be added to the public group
static void test_assignToPublicGroup() {
UserTriggerHandler.chatterGroupName = 'UsersGroup';
// Get the total members of the group 'All_Users' before insertion of new user
Group allUsersGroup = [Select Id From Group Where DeveloperName = 'All_Users'];
List<GroupMember> groupMembers = [Select Id From GroupMember Where GroupId = :allUsersGroup.Id];
Profile standProfile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
User newUser = TestUserUtil.createUser('Test', 'User1221', 'tusr', standProfile);
insert newUser;
// Verify that after the insertion, user should become the member of the public group 'All_Users'
// also, created user should be that member
List<GroupMember> newGroupMembers = [Select Id, UserOrGroupId From GroupMember Where GroupId = :allUsersGroup.Id];
System.assertEquals(groupMembers.size() + 1, newGroupMembers.size(), 'User is not inserted.');
Set<Id> setOfUsersId = new Set<Id>();
for(GroupMember member : newGroupMembers) {
System.assert(setOfUsersId.contains(newUser.Id), 'Inserted user should be the group member.');

// Verify that when a new user is inserted, it should be added to the chatter group and a feed should be created
static void test_postToChatterGroup() {
UserTriggerHandler.chatterGroupName = 'UsersGroup';
Profile standProfile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
User newUser = TestUserUtil.createUser('Test', 'User1221', 'tusr', standProfile);
insert newUser;
// Verify that after the insertion new User should become a member of Collabration/Chatter Group
CollaborationGroup chatterGroup = [Select Id From CollaborationGroup Where Name = 'UsersGroup' LIMIT 1];
List<CollaborationGroupMember> membersAfterInsertion = [Select Id, MemberId From CollaborationGroupMember
Where CollaborationGroupId = :chatterGroup.Id];
Set<Id> setOfUsersId = new Set<Id>();
for(CollaborationGroupMember member : membersAfterInsertion) {
System.assert(setOfUsersId.contains(newUser.Id), 'Inserted user should be the group member.');
// Verify that there should be a feed item which contains the name of the user
List<FeedItem> feeds = [Select Id, Body From FeedItem Where ParentId = :chatterGroup.Id];
System.assert(feeds[0].Body.contains(newUser.LastName), 'Feed Item was not created.');
System.assert(feeds[0].Body.contains(newUser.FirstName), 'Feed Item was not created.');
Code Coverage: 100%
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