Use Case:
Pre-requisite: Create a permission set with API name Sales_User_Permissions.
Whenever a new user is created with profile Custom: Sales Profile, assign the permission set Sales_User_Permissions to User.
Consider this not urgent and permission set can be assigned when the resource is available in salesforce org. Use @future annotation for the method which contains the logic.
trigger UserTrigger on User (after insert) {if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert) {Set<Id> userIds = new Set<Id>();// Get the profile recordProfile salesProfile = [Select Id From Profile Where Name = 'Custom: Sales Profile' LIMIT 1];// Add the user record to set only if the profile is 'Custom: Sales Profile'for(User user : {if(user.ProfileId == salesProfile.Id) {userIds.add(user.Id);}}// Use UserTriggerHandler to create PermssionSetAssignment recordsif(userIds != null) {UserTriggerHandler.assignSalesPermissionSet(userIds);}}}public class UserTriggerHandler {// Since it is not necessary that user should have permission set instantly as soon as the User is created// So here, we can use future method.// @Param, set of user Ids which are inserted having profile 'Custom: Sales Profile'@futurepublic static void assignSalesPermissionSet(Set<Id> newUsersId) {// Get the Permission Set which needs to be assigned to the new UserPermissionSet salesUserPermissionSet = [Select Id From PermissionSet Where Name = 'Sales_User_Permissions'];// Create the PermssionSetAssignment record using permission set and the new user insertedList<PermissionSetAssignment> psAssignments = new List<PermissionSetAssignment>();if(salesUserPermissionSet != null) {for(Id userId : newUsersId) {psAssignments.add(new PermissionSetAssignment(PermissionSetId = salesUserPermissionSet.Id,AssigneeId = userId));}}// Create the record for PermssionSetAssignmentsif(psAssignments != null) {insert psAssignments;}}}
Test Class:
Scenario 1- Create a new user with profile “Custom: Sales Profile”. Verify that after insertion of the user, a permission set assignment record should be created with ‘Sales_User_Permissions’ permission set and inserted User as the assignee.
Scenario 2- Create a new user with profile “Standard User”. Verify that after insertion of the user, no permission set assignment record should be created with ‘Sales_User_Permissions’ permission set and inserted User as the assignee.
@isTestpublic class TestUserUtil {public static User createUser(String fName, String lName, String alias, Profile profile) {User usr = new User(LastName = lName,FirstName = fName,Alias = alias,Email = fName + '.' + lName + '',Username = '',ProfileId =,TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT',LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',LocaleSidKey = 'en_US');return usr;}}@isTestprivate class UserTriggerTest {// Create a new user with profile "Custom: Sales Profile"// Verify that after insertion of the user, a permission set assignment record should be created// with 'Sales_User_Permissions' permission set and inserted User as the assignee.@isTeststatic void test_afterInsert_validProfile() {Profile profile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Custom: Sales Profile' LIMIT 1];User usr = TestUserUtil.createUser('Test', 'User444', 'tusr', profile);Test.startTest();insert usr;Test.stopTest();PermissionSet ps = [Select Id From PermissionSet Where Name = 'Sales_User_Permissions' LIMIT 1];// Verify that permission set should be assigned to the userList<PermissionSetAssignment> psa = [Select Id From PermissionSetAssignment Where PermissionSetId = :ps.Id AND AssigneeId = :usr.Id];System.assertEquals(1, psa.size(), 'Permission set records are not as expected.');}// Create a new user with profile "Standard User"// Verify that after insertion of the user, no permission set assignment record should be created// with 'Sales_User_Permissions' permission set and inserted User as the assignee.@isTeststatic void test_afterInsert_inavlidProfile() {Profile profile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];User usr = TestUserUtil.createUser('Test', 'User444', 'tusr', profile);Test.startTest();insert usr;Test.stopTest();PermissionSet ps = [Select Id From PermissionSet Where Name = 'Sales_User_Permissions' LIMIT 1];// Verify that permission set should be assigned to the userList<PermissionSetAssignment> psa = [Select Id From PermissionSetAssignment Where PermissionSetId = :ps.Id AND AssigneeId = :usr.Id];System.assertEquals(0, psa.size(), 'Permission set records are not as expected.');}}
Code Coverage: 100%