Use Case:
Write a trigger:
Whenever the BillingCity of any Account is updated, update MailingCity of all the Contacts related to the account.
Note: This should work only if the account is updated with BillingCity.
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after update) {// Run this code only after Account is updatedif(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate) {// Get all the accounts for which BillingCity was changedSet<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();for(Account acc : {// Compare the new BillingCity to the old BillingCity for the same accountif(acc.BillingCity != Trigger.oldMap.get(acc.Id).BillingCity) {accountIds.add(acc.Id);}}// Get the list of all the Contacts for above accountsList<Contact> listOfContacts = [Select Id, MailingCity, AccountId From Contact Where AccountId IN :accountIds];// Iterate through each Contact and udpate the MailingCity to its Account's BillingCityfor(Contact contact : listOfContacts) {contact.MailingCity = Trigger.newMap.get(contact.AccountId).BillingCity;}// Update contacts if there is any record in the listif(!listOfContacts.isEmpty()) {update listOfContacts;}}}
Test Class:
Scenario 1- Test method when BillingCity for Account is changed and verify that Contact MailingCity should be updated with Account BillingCity.
Scenario 2- Test method when BillingCity for Account is NOT changed and verify that Contact MailingCity should not get updated with Account BillingCity.
@isTestprivate class AccountTriggerTest {// Data method to insert 1 account and 1 contact related to the account@testSetupstatic void dataSetup() {Account acc = new Account(Name='TestAccount1', BillingCity='Seattle');insert acc;Contact con = new Contact(LastName='TestContact', AccountId=acc.Id, MailingCity='Seattle');insert con;}// Test method when BillingCity for Account is changed// Verify that Contact MailingCity should be updated with Account BillingCity@isTeststatic void afterUpdateTest_billingCityChanged() {Account account = [Select Id, BillingCity From Account LIMIT 1];Contact contact = [Select Id, MailingCity From Contact Where AccountId = :account.Id];// Initial Assertions// Assert that Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity are same// and Contact MailingCity is 'Seattle'System.assertEquals(account.BillingCity, contact.MailingCity, 'Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity should be same.');System.assertEquals('Seattle', contact.MailingCity, 'Contact MailingCity should be Seattle.');// Update Account BillingCity to 'London' and assert that Contact MailingCity should also get updated to 'London'Test.startTest();account.BillingCity = 'London';update account;Test.stopTest();System.debug(account.BillingCity);// Get updated ContactContact newContact = [Select Id, MailingCity From Contact Where AccountId = :account.Id];// Assert that Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity are same// and Contact MailingCity is now 'London'System.assertEquals(account.BillingCity, newContact.MailingCity, 'Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity should be same.');System.assertEquals('London', newContact.MailingCity, 'Contact MailingCity should be London.');}// Test method when BillingCity for Account is NOT changed// Verify that Contact MailingCity should not get updated with Account BillingCity@isTeststatic void afterUpdateTest_billingCityNotChanged() {Account account = [Select Id, BillingCity From Account LIMIT 1];Contact contact = [Select Id, MailingCity From Contact Where AccountId = :account.Id];// Update Contact MailingCity to some city which should not be same as Account BillingCitycontact.MailingCity = 'London';update contact;// Assert that Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity should not be sameSystem.assertNotEquals(account.BillingCity, [Select Id, MailingCity From Contact].MailingCity,'Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity should not be same.');// Now, update Account but keep BillingCity same,// and assert that Contact MailingCity should not be udpated with Account BillingCityTest.startTest();account.BillingCountry = 'USA';update account;Test.stopTest();Contact newContact = [Select Id, MailingCity From Contact Where AccountId = :account.Id];System.assertNotEquals(account.BillingCity, newContact.MailingCity,'Account BillingCity and Contact MailingCity should not be same.');}}
Code Coverage: 100%
because of this part is not working.
I made it like this:
trigger accTrigger on Account(after update){
List accList = new List();
for(Account ac:{
if(ac.BillingCity != Trigger.oldMap.get(ac.Id).BillingCity){
List consToBeUpdated =[SELECT ID FROM Contact WHERE accountId IN: accList];
for(Contact con: consToBeUpdated){
con.MailingCity = accList[0].BillingCity;
update consToBeUpdated;
for(Contact contact : listOfContacts) {
contact.MailingCity = Trigger.newMap.get(contact.AccountId).BillingCity;
because of this part is not working.
I made it like this:
trigger accTrigger on Account(after update){
List accList = new List();
for(Account ac:{
if(ac.BillingCity != Trigger.oldMap.get(ac.Id).BillingCity){
List consToBeUpdated =[SELECT ID FROM Contact WHERE accountId IN: accList];
for(Contact con: consToBeUpdated){
con.MailingCity = accList[0].BillingCity;
update consToBeUpdated;