Use Case:

Write a trigger, if the owner of an account is changed then the owner for the related contacts should also be updated.

(this can happen if a user leaves a company, then it is required to update the owner field for all the accounts and contacts he/she owns)

// Since we need to perform updation on Contact instead of Account, so we are going to use 'After Update'
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after update) {
if(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isAfter) {
List<Id> accountIds = new List<Id>();
// To handle bulk operations, traverse through each account which is updated
// verify if the Owner is changed or not then add its ID in 'accountIds'.
for(Account account : {
if(account.OwnerId != Trigger.oldMap.get(account.Id).OwnerId) {
// check if at least 1 account was updated with new owner
if(accountIds.size() != 0) {
// Get list of all the contacts whose account's owner was changed.
List<Contact> contacts = [Select Id, OwnerId, AccountId
From Contact
Where AccountId IN :accountIds];
// Get the Owner Id value from newMap of Accounts and update the contact's Owner
for(Contact con : contacts) {
con.OwnerId = Trigger.newMap.get(con.AccountId).OwnerId;
update contacts;

Test Class: We will create an account and a contact (keeping the owner same). Then update the account owner to some new user and verify that the contact owner should also get updated to new user.

private class AccountTriggerTest {
// Create test data in 'testSetup'
static void testData() {
// Create instance of a standard user
Profile standardProfile = [Select Id, Name From Profile Where Name='Standard User'];
User standardUser = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email='',
EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='TestUser', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = standardProfile.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='');
// Create Account and Contact using run as the above user.
System.runAs(standardUser) {
Account acc = new Account(Name='TestAccount');
insert acc;
Contact con = new Contact(LastName='TestContact', AccountId=acc.Id);
insert con;
// Positive test case
// 1. Update Account's Owner
// 2. Verify Contact Owner should get updated.
static void accountTrigger_afterUpdateTest_positive() {
// Get the account and contact.
Account acc = [Select Id, OwnerId From Account Where Name = 'TestAccount' LIMIT 1];
Contact con = [Select Id, OwnerId From Contact Where Name = 'TestContact' LIMIT 1];
// Assert owners of account and contact are not same as the current owenr
System.assertNotEquals(System.UserInfo.getUserId(), acc.OwnerId, 'Owner should not be same');
System.assertNotEquals(System.UserInfo.getUserId(), con.OwnerId, 'Owner should not be same');
// Update the account owner
    acc.OwnerId = System.UserInfo.getUserId();
    update acc;
// Verify the contact should be updated to the current owner.
Contact updatedCon = [Select Id, OwnerId From Contact Where Name = 'TestContact' LIMIT 1];
System.assertEquals(System.UserInfo.getUserId(), updatedCon.OwnerId, 'Contact Owner should get updated.');
// Negative Test case
// 1. Update any field other than the Account Owner.
// 2. Verify Contact Owner should not get updated.
static void accountTrigger_afterUpdateTest_negative() {
Account acc = [Select Id, OwnerId From Account Where Name = 'TestAccount' LIMIT 1];
Contact con = [Select Id, OwnerId From Contact Where Name = 'TestContact' LIMIT 1];
// Change the contact's Owner
con.OwnerId = System.UserInfo.getUserId();
update con;
// Verify that account and contact Owners should not be same.
System.assertNotEquals(con.OwnerId, acc.OwnerId, 'Account and Contact Owners should not be same.');
// Now update the Account but keep the Owner same. Contact Owner should not get updated to Account Owner
// and both should remain different.
    acc.Type = 'Industry';
    update acc;
Contact updatedCon = [Select Id, OwnerId From Contact Where Name = 'TestContact' LIMIT 1];
System.assertNotEquals(updatedCon.OwnerId, acc.OwnerId, 'Account and Contact Owners should not be same.');
Code Coverage: 100%
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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Avis

    But it is also worked for me on Before Update Trigger

  2. Jagadeesh

    Hi Nitesh,

    Not sure your logic working.I have updated some piece of code to work.

    trigger UpdateOwnerofChildswhenParentOwnerChange on Account (after update) {
    if(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isAfter) {
    List accountIds = new List();
    List conUpdate = new List();

    // To handle bulk operations, traverse through each account which is updated
    // verify if the Owner is changed or not then add its ID in ‘accountIds’.
    for(Account account : {
    if(account.OwnerId != Trigger.oldMap.get(account.Id).OwnerId) {
    system.debug(‘accpount iddddddd’+accountIds);
    // check if at least 1 account was updated with new owner
    if(accountIds.size() != 0) {
    // Get list of all the contacts whose account’s owner was changed.
    List contacts = [Select Id, OwnerId, AccountId
    From Contact
    Where AccountId IN :accountIds];
    // Get the Owner Id value from newMap of Accounts and update the contact’s Owner
    for(Account acc ){
    system.debug(‘new owner id ‘+acc.OwnerId);
    for(Contact con : contacts) {
    Contact cont = new Contact();
    cont.OwnerId = acc.OwnerId;;;


    system.debug(‘cons update’+conUpdate);
    update conUpdate;


  3. Nitesh

    Nice Content. Good Work. 🙂

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